So I am very late to this linky party, but it's still open so I am going to jump right in! I'm writing about a typical school day for "A Day in My Shoes" hosted over at Adventures of a 6th Grade Teacher.
6:00AM- Alarm goes off. I hit snooze an embarrassing number of times before I finally get up and shuffle around getting ready. I shower at night because I am so not a morning person--if I waited to shower in the morning I would probably never be clean. Disgusting, right? So that's why I shower at night.
7:10AM- Rush to my car with my purse, school bag, lunch bag, and morning drink (OJ, coffee, Slim Fast, or a diet soda). Pray that there isn't a lot of traffic.
7:15AM-7:50AM- Sit in rush hour Atlanta traffic and eat my breakfast...always a delicious Luna bar!
7:55AM- Roll into school right on time and head to my trailer. Check my e-mail, finish breakfast, get stuff ready for the day.
8:30AM- Head to the cafeteria for morning duty. Kids come with their class's breakfast order and I hand them the number of juices they need.
9:00AM- Pick up my testing materials, check my mailbox, and head back to my trailer.
9:15AM- Pick up a student for testing. I'll test individuals til about 12:00.
12:00PM- Take about an hour for lunch and planning. I head to the staff lunchroom to make my oatmeal, which I then take back to my trailer to enjoy. It's very quiet and peaceful. :]
1:00PM-3:00PM- Continue doing individual testing until the end of the day.
3:00PM-3:50PM- I don't have afternoon duty, so I spend the last 50 minutes of the day getting stuff ready for the next day and checking my testing materials back in. I normally don't stay too late, so at 3:50ish I'm right out the door! If I stay past 4:30 I hit major afternoon rush hour. Living and driving around Atlanta is a beast (but I love living and working here).
Unfortunately, my current day-to-day isn't very interesting because of the testing. My hope is to finish testing this week so I can start up with my students again next Monday. They keep seeing me in the halls and asking, "Ms. S! When are you going to get us for ESOL again?" I miss those little kiddos. :[ I'm definitely ready for us to get into a routine.
Speaking of routine, next time I'm going to share how we start class every day. We sing a super cute song that is geared towards ELL's (English Language Learners), but I can see it being used in K, 1, and Special Education classes. Tune in later this week to see it! :]
Have a wonderful Sabbath, and don't forget to go check out the linky party over at Adventures of a 6th Grade Teacher.
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