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Thursday, October 15, 2015

Keep Calm

Do you like your classroom to feel calm and relaxed?  I sure do!  One of my favorite ways to impact the mood of my classroom is through music.  Each morning, we start the day in a quiet, relaxed way by listening to calm music.  Over the years, I have amassed a YouTube playlist of great calming videos.  There are three major criteria for the videos I play.  First, all of these videos are longer than one hour, so you don't have to worry about them ending. Also, I like to play music that has no sudden drops or peaks in volume.  And of course, the music has to be calming.  :)  I am sharing my playlist with you today in hopes that you'll find some new quiet music to enhance your classroom environment.  Feel free to share your favorite videos, as well!

When can I use calm music?
-morning arrival time
-writing time
-reflection time
-silent reading

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