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Tuesday, February 14, 2012

You Might Be a Teacher If...

Who else out there loves a good "you might be a redneck if..." joke?  Well, in the same style of Foxworthy's hilarious one-liners, now we can all laugh about the little quirks that make us teachers.  I'm linking up with Jeannie over at Kindergarten Lifestyle for this fun linky party...go check it out! 

Happy Valentine's Day!  I hope you all survived with minimal damage done.  :]


  1. Yep - gotta have my diet coke for EVERY faculty meeting!
    Thank you for joining my linky party!
    It's been such fun!

    I am following!

    ­Kindergarten Lifestyle

    Kindergarten Lifestyle Facebook Fan Page

  2. So much fun!! Now that sit at a desk 90% of my day and I'm not interacting so much, I make sure I'm wearing pants or I can sit in my dress easily!!

    Got to love ISS!

  3. Abby, I gave you the Leibster Blog Award! Go to my blog @ to check it out!

  4. Abby I have awarded you the Liebster Blog award! Congrats!

    Visit my blog as well at

  5. Such a cute blog. I just found your site through Classy Confessions. LOVE hey girl!

    Misty @
    Think, Wonder, & Teach

  6. I just found your site, and I love it! The last "You know you're a teacher when..." totally got me. I'm constantly wearing high camisoles under EVERYTHING so I don't border on inappropriate :) Takes work, sometimes!

    I'm excited to start following you!
