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Friday, March 16, 2012

Links I'm Loving

If you guys are anything like me, you are now terrified to use Pinterest because you think you may be jumping into a giant legal mess.  Now I have all of these links that are awesome, and nowhere to keep track of them.  Boo, Pinterest.  :[

Of course, I figured the best way to keep track of these links and share them with folks is to blog about them.  So, enjoy these great ideas and come back soon for more!

(P.S.- Update...I am getting so freaked out about the internet and copyright stuff.  Did you hear that there is a lawsuit from Seuss Enterprises because of Seuss-inspired clipart?  Stuff that is used by teachers on RAA day?  Crazy.  Seems like they are really picking on the little guy...but that's just my opinion.)

via Kindergarten Lifestyle

So those are the two things I'm loving right now...the things I would pin if I wasn't afraid of being sued.  ;] 

Now...go enjoy your weekend!  Happy Friday!  :]


  1. I am right there with you! I have not pinned since that issue came up and I agree about the Seuss thing as well. I am actually posting about the end of my seuss items for sale tomorrow. So sad. I love that you are "pinning" them to your blog. I plan on doing the same thing.

    Think, Wonder, & Teach

  2. Pretty sure Pinterest will go away soon... or be a membership site.. guess I'd better go the old school route and write things down for now on!!
