There's More to See!

Epic Resources

There are so many great resources for teachers out there on the web.  The problem is finding them all!  Here are some of my favorites.

If you're blessed enough to have a mimio (like me!), this is a great place to find really awesome lessons.
Just like every other woman in America, I am obsessed with Pinterest. 
(link goes directly to my teaching board)

Philip Martin Clipart
High quality free clipart!  This guy's philosophy is pretty awesome, too.  I use a lot of his stuff in my mimio activities.

Font Space
You can find so many free fonts to download on this site.  My current favorites are Janda Apple Cobbler and DK Crayon Crumble.  I use them on everything!

Have Fun Teaching
My favorite YouTube channel for letter songs.  Each one is so catchy for my kiddos...they can't stop singing the songs!

You can check out some of my favorite teaching blogs in my sidebar!  Many of my most used resources come from other exceptional bloggers.  Everyone knows that teachers love to "borrow"!  :]