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About the Teacher

Hi!  Thanks for stopping by my fun little teaching blog!

My name is Abby and I'm a 1st grade teacher in Georgia.  I work in a Title 1 school with a majority of ESL students.  This year I have 20 students and I collaborate with a SDD-1 class of 12 students.

I taught all over the place before beginning my current job as a first grade teacher: substitute, 3rd grade, art, SID/PID parapro, MOID parapro, ESOL to 1st and K, and ASD parapro.  Whew, quite a lot over just a few years!  I have happily been in first grade for the past four years.  

I love my job and the kids I work with.  Like a typical teacher, I cannot turn off my "teaching brain," which leads to me spending tons of money in the Target dollar section on stuff for my classroom.  I'm not perfect, but I truly want the best for my students.  And I'll share what works for us here on my blog!  I look forward to sharing with you.  :]

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